Marry in any case! If you find a good wife, you will be happy. If you find a bad one, you become a philosopher.
Socrates - Greek Philosph
469 BC Christ-399 BC Christ
Luck(ily) married?
If you NEVER give up, maybe you can dissolve the contradiction with happiness!
(Subtilius 2019)
As part of my divorce, I learned some basic lessons in 2004!
The Spaniards have a saying,
"Why marry? Just look for the woman you hate the most and give her a house as a present!
Lesson learned!
However, I also learned that you never know why some things are good for you and that something bad that ends up sometimes can result in something good!
Lesson learned with joy!
I wish everyone who visits the site and reads my spiritual outpourings, a lot of joy and illuminations!
It´s not belief that makes us strong!
It´s knowledge!
But even more priceless are
experience and knowledge
resulting from it.
Christoph Mittler - Subtilius